LoRa Endpoints

LoRa Liquid Leak Detector with Single Point Sensor

Detects leaks at specific points

The Liquid Leak Detector with Single Point Sensor is an endpoint from Khomp’s IoT Line designed to identify specific points of unwanted leaks.

Smart detection happens when a small amount of liquid accumulates between the sensor’s two stainless steel points. This occurrence causes the endpoint to send the data to the gateway, which, in turn, sends the information via the integration API to the integrator’s cloud application.

In the application it is possible to activate pre-configured actions, such as emitting audible alarms or notifications directly on the cell phone of the person responsible for the area.

Among its most common applications are monitoring in machine rooms, data centers, air conditioning or any smart home project that could be affected by flooding or runoff, no matter how small.

The Liquid Leak Detector with Single Point Sensor is composed of the NIT/NIR Transmitter and Repeater + Sensor (KWS-2001).



  • Identifies the leak at specific points in the environment
  • Cable extension: 1 meter
  • The sensor captures small amounts of liquid accumulated between the tips
  • LoRaWAN connectivity

Application Model